Bio-INergySM , a new program that renders red bag medical waste into solid trash using a state-approved technology, and then converts the trash into energy and puts it back onto the electrical grid, was launched on November 3, 2015 by INGENIUM. One of the first of its kind in California, Bio-INergy is designed specifically for generators of red bag medical waste, and offers the option of choosing a sustainable alternative over autoclave and landfill treatment and/or limits your organization’s carbon footprint by avoiding out-of-state incineration.
A natural extension of the successful INTOENERGY program, Bio-INergy is the latest innovation in INGENIUM’s drive towards greater sustainability of hazardous and other regulated waste. This breakthrough program allows red bag medical waste producers to significantly increase their sustainability profile and better meet corporate goals.
For complete information and to learn how Bio-INergy can benefit your waste management efforts, see the Bio-INergy page.