INGENIUM identified 150,000 lbs. of recyclable material such as cardboard, plastic, etc. that was being landfilled at high disposal rates. As a result, 150,000 lbs. per year of material moved from a landfill to recycling programs. By auditing the current trash program, the company saved tens of thousands of dollars, as well as created efficiencies. INGENIUM was able to find outlets to provide a credit for some commodity material and, in addition, some of their largest hazardous waste streams were also diverted from a landfill to a beneficial reuse treatment option. We were able to move most of their solid waste stream to waste to energy and were also able to reclassify a large portion of waste streams as non hazardous. This enabled us to recycle at a local waste-to-energy site and avoid out-of-state trans costs and carbon footprint. In addition, we discovered some of their non-hazardous solids such as cardboards, plastics etc. were being landfilled at a very expensive rate. Not only were some of these items recyclable, some had a value and the company even got them paid for some of this material!