OSHA Electronic Reporting Requirements

On April 30, 2018, federal OSHA posted a “trade release” requiring all affected employers to submit injury and illness data in the federal OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA) online portal, even if the employer is covered by a state plan that has not completed the adoption of their own state rule. 

Applicable California employers are now required to electronically post their injury records on the federal OSHA website by July 1, 2018.

View the OSHA press release here.

Visit the Cal OSHA website for the update on this issue.

Visit OSHA’s electronic reporting website.

As always, INGENIUM representatives are available to answer any of your questions pertaining to this and all OSHA matters. Please feel free to contact your customer support representative at customerservice@pureingenium.com


-Scott Rendleman, CHMM

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