Environmental Reporting Just Got Easier for the State of Washington
The State of Washington Department of Ecology has issued a poster that will help minimize confusion about environmental reporting requirements. The poster was designed to help industrial facilities who submit multiple reports to different ecology programs to ensure they are operating safely and stay in compliance with environmental laws. Knowing what reports are required for each industry or when they are due can be confusing. This poster highlights the most common reports required from the Department of Ecology to help businesses understand what to report, why they must report and when reports are due.
If you would like to receive a free copy of this poster, please visit the Department of Ecology Website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/hwtr/shoptalkonline/current_issue/story_seven.html.
It is the goal of INGENIUM to help our clients stay compliant in all areas of environmental rules and regulations, and we’re excited to share information that will make your job easier.
Please refer to our website, or contact us personally at 800-464-3648 to learn more about how INGENIUM can assist you with your hazardous waste needs.