DTSC Announces Changes to Penalties for Initial Violations
The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) has issued an approval memo to DTSC for the Emergency Regulations on Determining the Initial Penalty for Each Violation (Amending Section 66272.62.) These penalty changes were effective July 5, 2018, and the expiration date will be January 3, 2019.
Our Compliance Department is available to conduct a complete on-site evaluation of your EH&S program to prevent incurring these penalties, as the cost/benefit calculus for running a lax program will increase with the recent changes.
A detailed breakdown of the new penalty amounts is shown HERE.
As always, an INGENIUM Representative is available if you have any questions. Please contact us at 760-745-8780 or visit us at https://www.pureingenium.com/contact-us/
-Scott Rendleman, CHMM