Don’t Let Your California EPA ID Number Lapse

The time is approaching for businesses to file electronically for their 2016 California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ID Number Verification Questionnaire. Generators, transporters and facilities who are authorized to store, transport, treat and dispose of hazardous waste are required by law to annually verify their EPA ID Number information per HSC §25205.16(b). The purpose of this annual verification is to ensure that the information on record for the EPA ID Number is correct and current.

Electronic filing through the Electronic Verification Questionnaire System (eVQ) is the only method that the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) currently accepts for completing Verification Questionnaires. Access to the 2016 electronic Verification Questionnaire will be available in the near future. The DTSC will send an email notification to the email address listed in the eVQ account as to when access is available. If you don’t have an account, get one today. You don’t want to run the risk of having your ID number suspended. To register to file online, go to the eVQ home page and select the “Request New eVQ Account link.

Any generator, transporter or facility operator who fails to return the Verification Questionnaire forms on time shall be subject to suspension of any and all identification numbers and to any other enforcement action (HSC §25205.16(c)). We will send out a notification when a deadline date has been determined. For further information or assistance contact your INGENIUM representation or click here.



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