INTOENERGY is the pioneer waste-to-energy program developed by Ingenium. It is designed to assist generators who manage certified, non-infectious, and non-hazardous debris/materials in the laboratory and manufacturing process.
Benefits of the INTOENERGY Program:
A sustainable solution to help you to meet your landfill diversion and waste reduction goals.
Waste can be recaptured and converted into energy powering local electrical grids or used as an engineered fuel to power cement kilns – 100% recycling.
Reduced cost (no need for red bags, sharps containers for pipette tips, etc.)
Reduced liability.
Extended storage time.
Waste no longer falls under your Waste Management Plan, which means: o Material is no longer inspected. o No more tracking documents. o Potential reclassification to smaller generator status.
Monthly/Annual waste reports to show how much waste has been recycled.
Waste with high plastic content may have close to 20,000 BTUs per pound.
Every pound of that waste reduces the need for 1.5 pounds of coal, or 19 cubic feet of natural gas, thus helping to preserve our natural resources.
An average box weight in the INTOENERGY program is approximately 20 pounds, which can produce over 117 kilowatt hours of electricity.
The average home in the US uses just over 9,000-kilowatt hours per year, so shipping one box per week would generate 66% of the home’s annual electrical energy needs.
One ton of this waste can replace 1.5 tons of coal.
One ton of this waste can replace almost 39,000 cubic feet of natural gas.
INTOENERGY supplies collection boxes and bags made of recycled cardboard and recycled plastic.
Waste treated by the INTOENERGY process undergoes the functional equivalent of incineration at a fraction of the cost of medical waste incineration, with costs on par with autoclave treatment.
The waste processed through INTOENERGY is completely recycled, and any solids resulting from the combustion of the waste are used in the production of roadbed material.
Food for Thought: Shipping just one box per week can generate over 6000-kilowatt hours of electricity per year. Shipping only two boxes through the INTOENERGY program can power one California home for an entire year!
Ask Yourself:
How much electricity and thermal energy is my facility throwing into a landfill?
Is this solution a better way to manage this material?
Does this meet a sustainability and/or landfill diversion goal?