As part of our commitment to the INGENIUM core value of SAFETY, we want to bring your attention to the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (CAL OSHA) requirements regarding workplace violence prevention.
CAL OSHA mandates that all companies take proactive measures to prevent workplace violence and ensure the safety of their employees. California Senate Bill 553 (SB553) amended California Labor Code section 640.17 and created section 6401.9. The new requirements found in those Labor Code sections will be in effect and enforceable on July 2, 2024.
In order to prevent incidents of workplace violence and promote a culture of safety and mutual respect, it is crucial that each of us familiarizes ourselves with the Workplace Violence Prevention Plan and actively participate in maintaining a safe and respectful work environment.
For more information on the OSHA requirements, please reach out to the Ingenium Compliance Department or click here to review the Cal/OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention Guidance and Resources.
Thank you for your commitment to SAFETY.