Biennial Reports are due March 1, 2024. Are you prepared?

2024 is a Biennial Reporting year, and it’s not too early to start thinking about it. This means if you are a RCRA large quantity generator (LQG), the EPA requires you to file the report for 2023 by March 1, 2024.

IMPORTANT – Even if you were an LQG for only one month in 2023, the Biennial Report is still triggered.

Biennial reporting requires the generator to itemize and report for each of their waste and requires the following data:

  • Source code and form code for each waste stream.
  • Amount of each waste stream shipped to different receiving facilities.
  • Management method codes under which each shipment was treated.

Depending on how much waste you shipped offsite, this could take hours of gathering data. 

If you have better things to do with your time, or you would just prefer to have someone else manage this task, the professionals at INGENIUM can help. For assistance with your 2024 Biennial Reporting, please contact our EHS Team or view the Safety & Compliance page on our website.   

Our job is to make your job easier!

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