August is Back to School Safety Month

Back to school means more kids are back on the streets. It’s important that both parents and kids remember how to stay safe during this busy time of year. Safe Kids USA provides the following tips for back-to-school road safety:

  1. Parents – Slow down and be alert in residential areas and near schools. Be especially watchful of kids in rural areas without sidewalks.
  2. Take the Back-to-School Safety Pledge (found at “I pledge to eliminate distractions while I drive, especially in school zones.”
  3. Children 10 and under should not cross streets unsupervised. Review the safety guidelines with them: Look left, right and left again when crossing, and keep looking as you cross.
  4. Remind children to walk, do not run, across the street.
  5. Advise kids to cross streets at corners and use traffic signals and crosswalks where possible.
  6. Children should never run into the street or between parked cars.
  7. When entering or exiting the school bus, children should always walk in front of the bus where the driver can see them.

At INGENIUM, safety is our number one priority, and our goal is to protect You, Me and the Community.

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