INGENIUM operates in an inherently hazardous industry. What with the miles of driving, moving heavy containers, and the packing and transporting of hazardous materials, it seems as though a moment doesn’t go by where our operations crew isn’t engaged in a hazardous operation of one sort or another. So, from day one, INGENIUM has placed a high value on safety and compliance within our organization and has endeavored to implement robust written and training programs. One of these programs is to periodically survey our employees on Environmental, Health and Safety.
In our most recent survey, we added a key question – “What is your definition of safety?” The responses we received to this question were numerous, and interestingly fell into one of three categories. Category one – many people mentioned caring for others as a key element of safety. Category two – many respondents mentioned caring for the community or environment as a key element of safety. Category three – many people identified that they wanted to get home safely at the end of the day. Interestingly, this tied right in with INGENIUM’s Mission Statement of “We Care for Your World.”
We wanted to develop this line of thinking further, so we formed a team of employees from different departments and set about defining what safety means to INGENIUM. After many meetings, great input and deep discussion, we all zeroed in on the following: At INGENIUM, Safety is Our Priority to Protect You, Me and our Community. We wanted to emphasize that this was a priority and not necessarily a job duty, and also that the real reason for safety was caring about others, ourselves and the community. Because ultimately, if someone (or the community) is hurt, it is not just that individual who is affected, it is also their coworkers, their family and friends and the community they live in. Lastly, thanks to some great ideas from the employees, we also created a new INGENIUM Safety Brand that we are excited to share with you, our clients. Keep an eye out for this! You will be seeing more of it. And when you do, feel free to ask our employees about it.